How to Volunteer for HISD clone
Volunteer Opportunities
Hillsboro ISD welcomes parent and community involvement at our campuses. Opportunities for involvement include:
Contact the school offices for more information.
- Classroom Assistance
- End of Year Activities
- Field Trips
- Library
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- Special School Events
- America Reads Challenge
- Class Parties
- Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)- HES and HIS
- Eagle E.Y.E.S.- HES and HIS
- Guest Speakers
- Hospitality for Faculty Team -HHS
- Ag, Athletic, and Band Booster Clubs
How To Volunteer
You may volunteer for a one-time school event, or you may have time to volunteer on a regular basis. There is no specified amount of time required, just dependable adults who care.
There are two short forms each volunteer must fill out:
• A volunteer application, which includes areas of interest and
• A criminal history background check which is required by State law for anyone who has direct contact with students
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact any school office.